September 10

9:00 AM-1:30 PM  Registration and networking

1:30-1:45 PM  Opening remarks and welcome

1:45-2:30 PM Keynote (TBA)

2:30-3:15 PM  AI: On the Road to New Revenue
AI is moving quickly, and stations are learning how this new technology leads to new revenue. Our panel of experts will discuss how AI is being used in the pre-sale and post-sale phases of the sales sequence, from writing a solid introductory e-mail and subject line, to creating compelling video, to assisting with writing the commercial. Time savings allow AEs to do more of what they do best: SELL!
Moderator: Chantelle Crowhurst, Large Brand Partnership and Activation, Bonneville International/Sacramento
Dave “Chachi” Denes, President/Co-founder, Benztown
Patti Taylor, VP/Market Manager, Beasley Media Group, Detroit

Chantelle Crowhurst
Chachi Denes
Patti Taylor

3:15-3:25 PM  Benztown Onstage Presentation

Benztown logo

3:25-4:10 PM  Finding Dollars in New Places
Opportunity exists in unlikely places, and finding opportunity brings in new revenue streams. One radio company is filling the void created by the shuttering of local newspapers. Others are discovering creative ways to leverage digital, on-air, and on the dash. Our panel shares some ideas and thought starters that will assure you take lots of notes that you can put into action when you return home.
Moderator: Dustin Wilson, Senior Director/Digital Strategy, Marketron
Phil Forrester, Chief Success Officer, Ready For Social
Steve Newberry, CEO, Quu, Inc.
Katie Wheeless, Director Of Online News Brands, Saga Communications

Dustin Wilson
Phil Forrester
Steve Newberry
Katie Wheeless

4:10-5:00 PM 20 Electrifying Sales Ideas In 20 Minutes
Paige Nienaber, Director of Fun & Games/Evil Genius, CPR

Paige Nienaber

5:00-5:30 PM  Radio Wayne Awards Presentation

5:30-7:00 PM  Opening Reception

September 11

7:30-8:30 AM  Continental Breakfast

8:40-9:40 AM The Panel Where the Audience Is the Panel
Idea sharing. It’s one of the best payoffs you can have from any conference. This session, moderated by Jacobs Media’s Paul Jacobs, will be full of revenue-generating ideas you can put to work when you return home.  We’ll ask conference attendees in advance to “Share Your Greatest Sales Proposal” that features a “Stacked Media/360-Degree Solution,” meaning on-air, online, on-site, and any other marketing assets you have at your disposal. Submissions will be vetted and three (3) will be pre-selected for presentation during this session. Then, a panel of experts will ask questions and offer suggestions, with input from the room, on how to take the idea to the next level.  
Moderator: Paul Jacobs, VP/General Manager, Jacobs Media

Paul Jacobs

9:40-10:30 AM Matt Sunshine, CEO, Center for Sales Strategy

Matt Sunshine

10:30-10:50 AM Break

10:50-11:00 AM Quu Presentation

Quu logo

11:00 AM-12:00 PM Interactive Part I
How to Make Money Tomorrow from the Home Improvement and Financial Services Categories
New research fielded exclusively for this conference by NuVoodoo provides actionable insights into the Home Improvement and Financial Services categories. Hear the insights and sales opportunities, and then, during a working lunch with your group, create a presentation you could present to a prospect tomorrow using this current consumer data. Learn and practice using research to make a sale when you return to your market.
Facilitators: Carolyn Gilbert, Founder/CEO, NuVoodoo Media Services
Michael Doyle, Founder/MD Media Sales and Interim Dean-SUNY Brockport School of Business and Management

Carolyn Gilbert
Michael Doyle

12:00-1:20 PM Lunch

1:30-2:30 PM Interactive Part II
The Pitch: Home Improvement and Financial Services

Facilitators: Carolyn Gilbert, Founder/CEO, NuVoodoo Media Services
Michael Doyle, Founder/MD Media Sales and Interim Dean-SUNY Brockport School of Business and Management

Carolyn Gilbert
Michael Doyle

2:30-3:10 PM  The Great Generational Divide
How can radio better attract Gen Z to the medium and convince them that it’s “sexy”? And what do Gen Z prospects really think of radio’s potential? How do they think it could be better positioned?
Moderator: Angelica “Angie” Balderas, SVP/Integrated Marketing Solutions, Entravision/Sacramento
Deon Levingston, Regional Vice President, Radio One

Deon Levingston

3:10-3:30 PM Break

3:30-4:15 PM Selling Digital by Remaining Current
Digital advertising continues to evolve and create opportunities for radio sellers. Google has proposed to deal with privacy, but keeps delaying a policy that will impact the marketplace. What’s the latest? Our panel shares new insights and opportunities for digital+radio selling, and examples of categories you may not have thought of.
Moderator: Kristi Nguyen, Director of Digital Sales & Campaign Management/Northwest, Audacy
Dara Kalvort, VP/Digital Sales and Strategy, Digidea (Spanish Broadcasting System)

Kristi Nguyen
Dara Kalvort

4:15-5:00 PM Automotive – Is It Still Hot for Radio?

5:00 PM   Closing Remarks

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